SHS Alumni Association

Specific Need

The SHS Alumni Association provides scholarships to one or two Sabetha High School seniors every year and hosts the annual Alumni Banquet. Any funds donated will go to supporting the scholarship(s) and the continuation of the banquet.  Thank you for your support!!


The SHS Alumni Banquet occurs Saturday night of Memorial Weekend at 6:00 in the old high school gymnasium.  SHS alumni (and guests) are welcome. The cost for a ticket is $25 at the door.  All proceeds go to support the banquet and fund scholarships we provide on an annual basis.  Thank you for your support!

Check us out on Facebook: Sabetha High School Alumni

$4,165.55 received
in 6 gifts/match


1006 S Old Highway 75
Sabetha, KS 66534
Phone: (785) 547-1538

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