Sabetha Community Preschool


Sabetha Community Pre-School is a Christian ministry of guided interpersonal experiences and instruction, including Biblical instruction, for pre-school children designed to train the next generation of Christian citizens and equip them for a life of service to their Savior, homes, churches, vocations, and community.


Sabetha Community Preschool, Incorporated, a non-profit corporation, held its first session in September 1972. The preschool receives no federal subsidies and is financed by tuition, fundraisers and community donations. Employees include teachers and volunteers.

Sabetha Community Preschool provides periods of basic academic instruction, independent play, directed play, art, music, snacks, outdoor play

Special field trips are occasionally planned to give emphasis to particular interests being studied. The school is equipped to accommodate the needs of children three to five years of age. The furniture and playground equipment are scaled to the preschool child.

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$2,688.30 received
in 17 gifts/match


West Main Street
Sabetha, KS 66534
Phone: (785) 285-2324

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