Sabetha High School Trap Club

Specific Need

Donations will support cost share for targets and ammo, new equipment, and entry fees for tournaments or leagues. Students are currently self funding in order to participate in events. 


The High School Trap Team's mission is to teach students safe firearm operation, shooting fundamentals, and foster an interest in the outdoors.


The High School Trap team is ran by volunteers and associated with organizational support from the Sabetha Gun Club. The fund aims to support the costs involved in participating to allow more students access to this unique sport and opportunity for learning. The school does not support the team in any financial manner so all students are self-funding to participate. The sport of trap shooting is unique in that key to success is mental preparation and focus, the emphasis on the physical skills is much less which makes this a very accessible sport to many people. Students with a wide range of experience, ranging from regular hunters to ones that have never picked up a shotgun, can and do enjoy this outdoor sport. 

We are always looking for coaching help as well and anyone interested can contact us at You can also participate in helping the team by supporting the Sabetha Gun Club, their contact is

Photos & Videos

What is trap shooting explanation
1/2 of the Fall 2023 kids
1/2 of the Fall 2023 kids
2023 Clay Jays Team State Shirt
2023 Clay Jays Team State Shirt
2023 Clay Jays State Team Shirt
2023 Clay Jays State Team Shirt
$8,627.24 received
in 28 gifts/match


P.O. Box 141
Sabetha, KS 66534
Phone: (785) 820-6180

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