Impact Sabetha Inc/LifeWise Prairie Hills Fund


IMPACT SABETHA INC is a local nonprofit organized to provide a safe location for students who choose to participate in LifeWise Academy Prairie Hills. LifeWise is a non-denominational Released Time Religious Instruction program that is held off school property, privately funded, parent permitted and focuses on teaching Biblical-based character qualities. LifeWise Prairie Hills officially launched classes on August 29, 2023.

LifeWise Academy is off to a great second year! We can’t thank you enough for your continual support, both financially and prayerfully. LifeWise Academy Prairie Hills KS is serving Sabetha Elementary School grades 1-5 and Sabetha Middle School 6th grade. Numbers continue to grow each month; currently we are privileged to teach Bible-Based Character Education to over 170 students! We do not take this mission lightly and are very thankful for this opportunity to serve the Lord right here in our community to reach students DURING SCHOOL HOURS.

Your support is key to our program's ongoing ability to serve students with a no cost enrollment fee. IMPACT SABETHA INC and LifeWise Academy Prairie Hills ask that you would continue to come alongside our team and partner with us by donating to our program to reach students for the Gospel during school hours. This year LifeWise Prairie Hills is looking at expanding the Seaside classroom, with enrollment continuing to grow monthly, we feel this expantion will help the flow and allow more students to fit comfortably in the Seaside classroom. 

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$60,881.75 received
in 54 gifts/match


324 S 16th St
Sabetha, KS 66534
Phone: (785) 547-5269

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