Specific Need
Commercial freezer to store meat.
Donations to purchase food for local pantry and school pantries.
Our mission is to serve people and provide supplemental food who:
Are out of work
Have limited income
Have an unexpected circumstance which creates a hardship
Provide food backpacks and food pantries to our local school.
An Agency for the Harvester Mobile Food Pantry
785-285-8132 Sabetha Community Food Pantry, 808 MAIN ST, SABETHA, KS 66534
FOOD PANTRY HOURS Tuesday - every week 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Thursday - every week 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Mobile Food Pantry truck at Northridge Parking lot, 316 Lincoln St
Hours 9:30 AM-11:00 AM 2nd Wednesday each month.
We provide weekend food back packs to Elementary school children, and stock food pantries at the Middle and High School
of Prairie Hills Unified School District #113.
We serve Sabetha, Bern, Morrill, and Fairview along with the the rural areas within this radius.